February 16, 2009

Not Me!

Welcome to another "Not Me Monday"!

Well, let's see. I did not see that Target was having a huge 75% off sale on their "Global" section, and I did not proceed to drive to three different Targets to see what great deals I could find. At my final Target stop, I did not call Tyler at work on a Saturday that he was putting in overtime, and I did not beg him to meet me at the store so that I could buy 4 new dining room chairs that I absolutely could not fit in my car lest I leave my children at the store. Not I!

I totally did not speak with the pharmacist about taking TheraFlu while breastfeeding, and then completely ignore her advice and buy the stuff anyway (knowing darn well I wasn't going to pump 'a little' after taking the stuff), figuring that the risk was better than the consequences of my illness. Nope, not me.

While I was sick in bed on this weekend, I did not watch a string of 3 Lifetime Movie Network flicks and practically knock my husband out if he dared enter my bedroom and disturb my movie marathon. The nerve of some people.

Oh, and I am not letting Sassy indulge in the Handy Manny marathon today while I get caught up on my "correspondence". Nope, not me!

10 sweet tweets:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just need a break so a little television doesn't hurt anything.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a little Lifetime marathon :)

Stopping over from MckMama's!

Mrs. Frogster said...

oh, I never would use Handy Manny as a tool to get some mom time - not me!

Tanya said...

I'm in the same boat about breastfeeding and being sick, I think our kids are about the same age too, so I know!

Anonymous said...

Most days the only way I get to shower is to use Elmo videos to "babysit" bubs- there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Kendra said...

I am soooo bummed I somehow missed out on this incredible Target sale!!! How could such a thing possibly have happened??!??!
Must have a moment of silence to observe such a loss..

Audrey said...

sorry you're sick. i hate being sick with a baby to take care of!

thanks for stopping by my blog!

Mandy said...

Oh, that is so not me!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That is SOOO like me!I LOVE lifetime movies,I am the Queen of Chick Flicks. I am so glad I am not the only Shopaholic in the world, especially where deals are at stake!Hope you feel better!

Noob Mommy said...

Oh boy...Target gets me and my wallet every time. Let's not even talk about Costco!