What a
melange of topics that I will cover in this post!
On to getting you all caught up on the happenings in the SPH (Sweet Pea Household)...
We have been trying hard to maintain our health around here. Sometimes, we just can't catch a break. After waking up in the middle of the night screaming with an earache, followed by a report from our MDO teacher's that Sassy was complaining of her ear hurting, it was off to the doctor...
After several excruciating attempts at getting a look inside her right ear (left ear... a-OK), she was determined to have an outer ear infection (aka swimmers' ear), which have a tendency to be more painful than run-of-the-mill inner ear infections, so I was told. I wouldn't know. I'm not much of a
swimmer. She was prescribed some ear drops and encouraged not to lay in the bathtub with her head under water.
I was DREADING the ear drop process, especially after seeing what the exam was like. Guess what... piece.of.cake. Go Sassy! So, for the past 6 days, we have been having ear drop rituals twice a day...

She's my little trooper.
Last week, our mom's group had a private art class at
The Wichita Art Museum. Sassy really enjoys these classes each time we attend. I snapped this picture outside the museum, and thought it was so funny once I saw it on my computer screen. It's like Where's Waldo,
Sassy style...

The kiddos gathered patiently under the
Chihuly sculpture...

Little A got a glance, too:

After the lesson, we headed down to the studio to complete our project. This time, we learned all about lines. Sassy did so well following the teacher's instruction to make a vertical line:

In fact, she followed directions well the whole way through. I am so proud of her work!

Once the kids practiced their lines, the made a tree with no leaves using a charcoal pencil. Little A was too little to do the project, but she enjoyed people-watching!

At the very end, each kid was able to contribute to a painting to be hung in
the living room by painting a few squares. Sassy chose yellow as her color:

Friday, Tyler took a vacation day from work so that we could make a family trip to the pumpkin patch. It was nothing short of a disaster. It just happened to be the coldest day we have had yet, with highs reaching around 42 degrees. Forty-two degrees is even cold for me, but have I ever mentioned the fact that Sassy is
extremely sensitive to cold? Like, we can't go swimming in indoor heated pools because she gets too cold? Yeah.
It was cold.
I did manage to get a decent picture of each of the girls at the
How Tall This Fall station. Mission accomplished!

I snapped a quick one of Daddy and the girls at the little set-up photo op:

They had about 32 seconds of hammock fun:

We headed to the barn to catch a break from the wind. Sassy tried to play in the corn, but she was so cold, their were tears streaming down her cheek:

She did jump in long enough to make a corn angel or two:

We ran into Tom, LMB, and LuLu and the girls spent a minute climbing the hay bales:

And, we were done. Seriously, we were there less than an hour. As in, the car ride there was greater than the amount of time we spent inside the pumpkin patch. As in, we never made it out to the patch to pick pumpkins. As in... OK, I'll stop now.
Friday evening, we prepared for Halloween Party 1 of 3 for the weekend. I only wish my calendar was so full at 3 years old.
So, anyway... without further adieu... I present to you...
Sassy as
Little Red Riding Hood:

And Little A as
Little Red Ladybug:

Blowing you all kisses until next time...