---SANITY--- This is why you do not tell a 2-year-old any plans of what is to come ahead of time. At all. Honestly. For the sake of sanity... for
days now, I have been hearing about "Nana" and "Graycop" (grandpa) and "Caw-go" (Chicago). Sassy has been talking about what clothes to pack. What doll to bring. She wants her butterfly doll. 15 minutes later, and, oh wait- now she wants her lamb doll. And don't forget her green shoes. Oh, and we'll have to bring the pictures we had taken for Nana. And the skeleton picture she made weeks ago that has been hanging on our fridge and it probably crusted over in food-prints because Sassy wants to take it down and hold it every time we eat. We'll need to bring that, too. Sassy needs her "ice cweam bag", as well, to hold her "colowing books and cwayons", because what would our trip be without those?? I am
exhausted, and I am not even
close to being packed and ready to go. I need a nap!
But, just to brighten your day, here is a really cute picture of the girls...
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