Little A is sick again. I searched the archives of my blog from September to refer to the post where I told you all about what happened with her back then, and low and behold... I didn't blog about it.
See, I don't blog about everything...
Anyway, remember when Sassy was sick in September and had to have the chest xray? Yeah, well remarkably healthy Little A did not remain...
I guess I was stuck in this rut because I was sick of having sick kiddos and didn't want to blog about it, truth be told...
Anyway, the week after Sassy was sick, we picked the girls up from MDO, and Little A sounded pretty congested. As I was making dinner, she began to sound worse and worse. By the time we were eating, she was struggling to breathe. Once I stopped to count her respirations, and saw the retractions she was having as she inhaled, I knew a trip to the ER was in our future...
Tyler decided to take her in as I finished up dinner and cared for Sassy. About an hour later, I received a phone call from Ty saying that it was a really good thing we had brought her in. Her O2 sats were terrible and she was rushed back to be worked on. Luckily, they got everything under control with a breathing treatment and an oral steroid. They diagnosed her with croup, monitored her for four hours, and sent her home on the oral steroid.
Fast forward to yesterday...
Same scenario- she was perfectly fine besides a bit of congestion. When she awoke from her nap, she was a little wheezy. As Tyler was on his way home, she started sounding worse, so we called the pediatrician to see if they would see her before close in order to (hopefully) prevent another trip to the ER if things progressed in a negative direction.
Long story short-- they saw her and Dr. agreed that her breathing sounded lousy. Her O2 sats were not critical this time- 95-ish. They did a nebulizer treatment in the office, and decided that she needed to continue the breathing treatments until further notice. Oh, and she had a double ear infection. Yuck!
We are a little concerned as to why she has these breathing difficulties every time she gets the slightest bit sick- it is something we all will be keeping a close eye on. For now, she will continue a preventative nebulizer treatment twice a day for 10 days and then once a day until she has her ear recheck in 4-5 weeks. We also have the "rescue drug" for any acute breathing difficulties and an antibiotic for her ear infections.
She's not used to it yet, so she still fights us a little bit:
But, after a minute, she calms down and we sing songs and read books. She is so pretty:
I know that there are a million things more severe that could occur. I am not trying to compare apples and oranges here with severe, life-threatening illness that we, thank God, are not facing.
I'm just saying that it is really hard to have a sick baby. I'm sure all of you moms can agree...
5 sweet tweets:
Bless her sweet heart!!! Oh I am so sorry to hear, and see, little A is sick =(.
Praying that healing comes QUICKLY.
I couldnt agree with you more. It is the absolute worst to see your babies sick weathe minor or major and the trips to the er stink!! Hope she feels better soon so you can too :)
I hope she gets to feeling better soon. I can understand how you might be feeling, you don't want your kids to be sick...minor or major! Take care of her and yourself! :)
Heather, so sorry to hear about Little A. I know how you feel, Cole is best friends with the nebulizer also. I think they fight it at first because it's loud and scary, but it obviously makes them feel better so the calm down. Take care of her and yourselves... we're thinking of you.
Heather, I am so sorry you have having to go through this. We also own a neubulizer (and that same Dragon mask) for Bubba. Have they evaluated Little A for asthma? Bubba was going through the same thing, kept getting diagnosed with bronchitis when finally our regular doctor concluded that he has asthma. Even the slightest cold or allergy can cause him to start wheezing, during the winter we do preventive treatments daily and when he's sick more often. Luckily over summer he does much better and we usually don't need it. Good luck and I hope little A feels better soon. PM if you ever want to talk!
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