And, let me tell you, there is no shortage of fabulous products for moms out there. One of my recent Etsy finds was a little shop called PillowSewCute, home of the Ouch Pouch.
Every Mom needs an Ouch Pouch! How many times have you been out and about with your little ones when you find yourself suddenly in need of a band-aid? Me! Me! Me! After a while, I became pretty skilled at making sure to always have them in my purse, and then by the time we needed one, the ones I had were squished, scrunched, and covered in lint. Ick.
The Ouch Pouch is a small little pocket with a clear plastic front, making it easy to see the contents. They come in several sizes, and can even be made for things like an Epi Pen and other special medical needs. I ordered a couple for myself and several for gifts.
And, guess what...
I ordered one for you, too! Up for grabs- an adorable owl print 4x5 Ouch Pouch, which I happened to stock with some Neo to Go, tweezers, gauze, alcohol wipes, and an assortment of kid-friendly band-aids. All you need is a lollipop to melt away those tears, and you're set!
To enter, leave a comment describing your most "memorable" owie...
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You must leave comments on my BLOG… facebook comments will not be counted, so hop on over. The giveaway will close at 11:59 PM CST on Sunday, July 11th and winners will be announced the following day. will be utilized for selection of winner!
Good luck!
{I was not compensated by PillowSewCute to host this giveaway.}
31 sweet tweets:
Luckily our children haven't had an extremely memorable ouchie yet. Mine was falling off the monkey bar during a fire drill on the 3rd day of Kindergarden. 10 stitches and a nice chin scar :)
a_heart4home at yahoo
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a_heart4home at yahoo
My most memorable owie would have to be when Ryan smacked his upper lip on his bed, tearing his gum line and blood went everywhere. It didn't happen to me, but it was horrible. Ugh, still makes me shutter!
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Oh so cute!! I love owls!! I think the most memorable "owie" was something that just happened with Catie. She got up on a step stool and touched the burner on the stove after I had just shut it off! Scared me to death! Thankfully she didn't swell much and healed quickly.
My own most memorable owie as a child was when I was climbing a tree that hung over a creek, and falling from the tree into the creek. It was REAL smooth. My children have fortunately yet to do something quite so dramatic, although I'm anticipating at least one broken bone out of Eli before he turns 5...
Posted on Facebook ;)
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My most memorable owie is probably the time Henry papercut himself while playing with a shelf full of books - bled all over the books and rug but was so excited about the books that he didn't even notice!
p.s. owls are our new baby's nursery theme - so cute!
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J fell head first into the train table and hit his chin and it would not stop bleeding. I had to call our nurse neighbors over to check it out and they got him all fixed up but we probably should have gotten stitches and he still has a scar.
Pimped you out on FB. Again. :)
I could have really used this last night at the baseball game when Bubs feel down and scraped his chin!
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Most memorable owie for me was when I went swimming at my friends house and was riding my bike home. I was still wet and I slipped off my bike that I "skinned" my entire leg. From hip to ankle. I put my towel around myself when I got home because I thought my mom would be so mad at me! I needed a BIG bandaid!
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My most memorable owie was from our daughter Parker, she fell onto a stick and it almost poked a whole through the roof of her mouth. It was all scraped & cut up so we couldn't tell if it was a complete whole or not but it bled forever it seemed like. Luckily, after a trip to the ER we found that it was just severely scraped.
Two words- Ace Bandages
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Most memorable and terrible ouchie was when a girlfriend was visiting from Indiana one summer. We went bike riding and she was wearing flip-flops...took a fast turn...pinkie toe was caught in the chain...took the skin off to the rushed in from Indiana...never wearing flip-flops while bike riding again!
Well, I was walking down the street when I was ten and a mini van ran over me so I ended up with bad road rash and I had many owies!!! My arm was so bad that the first couple layers of my shoulder was scraped off and my knees were looking even worse. Lord,the things we live through.
My son's most memorable owie was when he fell down the stairs and I could do nothing to stop him.... how helpless I felt! A band-aid didn't fix that owie, but it has fixed many of his others!
I have vivid memories of riding my bike down a STEEEEEEP gravel hill on the road I grew up on. I wasn't even supposed to be on the hill but you know how that goes with 11 yr olds. My front tire hit the back tire of my friend's bike when she was trying to slow down mid-hill and I flew over her, bike and all, and landed in a gravel, thorny ditch and then my bike landed on top of me. I was hurt so badly and had so many bruises and scrapes but tried to hide it from my mom so I wouldn't get in trouble for being on the hill. That didn't work and luckily my mom had pity on all my dings and took great care of me. My punishment consisted of an "I told you so".
My most memorable ouchie was getting bit in the face by a dog at a dog wash I was volunteering at.
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Fortunately, my children have not had any memorable owies yet. I, on the other hand, was very accident prone as a child. My most memorable owie was probably cutting my arm when I tried to push a glass door open at my grandma's house when I was four. Ended up with 19 stiches and a huge scar up my right arm.
My own most memorable was when our icecream maker fell on my head when I was about 18 months old. I had to get stitches right above my eye. In terms of my kids it was Ali getting bitten by a goose at the zoo while we were on a field trip with her class. It bit her on the leg and almost drew blood. The bruise was there for almost a month. :(
My most memorable owie was probably one of my own - running and hitting my head on the edge of a pingpong table when I was little!
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Christmas morning. New bike. New E.T. watch. Too fast. Wipeout. Broke the watch. The bike. Skinned my knees, hands, elbows. Still have scars. Still miss the watch. Love this owe pack! Love it!
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