It was a gorgeous night, and we grabbed our spots nice and early. I allowed Ty to have a turn with my camera (an increasingly rare occasion) and here are the results:
I know, I know... there are always a lot of pictures of me "cheek-kissing" one of my little ladies. What can I say- their chubby cheeks are just so irresistible, and I just love how you can breathe them in when you nuzzle up close like that. Mmmmm...
Sassy was super excited to lay out on her Spongebob blanket. I am a self-proclaimed Spongebob hater. I definitely find the cartoon inappropriate for young kids. So, of course, the Spongebob blanket from Auntie Kaitlin is Sassy's favorite. So, to compromise, it has become our resident "lay on the grass" blanket. As an afterthought, I don't know that we planned that well. So, now... instead of having it hidden in a corner of her bedroom, we take it to public functions and invite public scrutiny. That Spongebob blanket may just have to disappear. Maybe Sassy will agree to give it to the dogs...
Let me just wrap up the parade summary by saying... HELLO, LOOT!
Saturday was a fine day her at Sweet Pea Central. It was the dawning of a new era. A braid era. OK, maybe not the dawning, but I just can't help the fact that I am beyond excited that Sassy has enough hair to do this with:
After the hair excitement died down, we headed to the KidFest events at the festival. We had some trolley issues, but that is a whole other post. Once we actually got there, the girls had a blast. Of course, Sassy and LMB ran straight for the Make Your Own Edible Sand Art table, i.e. let's provide all the children with the equivalent of 27 pixie sticks and send them on their merry way... Sassy was thrilled:
Apparently, Tyler wasn't puring fast enough for her, so she had to nibble in the sugar from the table. Girlfriend and I are going to have to have a germ-focused heart-to-heart... like, yesterday:
We also had to make a stop at the petting zoo. Never have I been more thrilled to get so many shots of the back of Sassy's head!
The day was really hot, like 97 degrees or something, and Little A was more than happy to do this all day:
Sassy and LMB were able to sit in the police car and talk with the police officer. I told Sassy that this better be her first and last time in a police car!
I found it humorous to watch Lynzee squeeze into the little barrel car with LuLu. Of course, Sassy is trying to make the great escape. I swear, sometimes...
Since Blogger just decided to hate my guts and make the last 2/3's of my post disappear upon spell check, I will have to re-do that part tomorrow. Grr...