May 17, 2009

T Minus 4 Days...


I knew it was coming. I have had it written in my calendar for weeks. I have prepared. I have accepted.

Until this morning, though, I don't think I truly comprehended...

Sassy's last day of preschool is Thursday morning. Like, the last day. For the whole summer.

Last Wednesday was our last MDO for the school year. Now, with only two mornings of preschool left, I have entered into a deep and uncontrolled panic. We don't always do well with transition. We function well on a schedule.

A schedule that includes a day of MDO for both girls and two additional mornings of preschool for Sassy.

I have been saying all along that the "freedom" the summer will bring to our schedule will be great. So nice. Can't wait until the preschool thing is over!

Can I rescind my previous statements, please??

This means that I am going to be solely responsible for both of my children... all week long... without a break. Like, a real SAHM. How easy it is to learn to rely on those little moments of "me time". How soon I forget how we, as a family unit, look forward to the structure these establishments bring to our week. Hmm...

Well, Sassy isn't the only drama queen in our family. The MDO summer session starts in June. I only have 2 or so weeks to survive completely on my own. I am confident I can soar should be able to muster my way through two weeks.


2 sweet tweets:

Kendra said...


Three Gals and a Guy said...

Must...have...Me...time. Must...find...year-round-MDO...

I'm feeling ya on the panic :)