September 10, 2010

VUR, The Update...

Sassy has her appointment up in Kansas City this morning with the pediatric urologist at Children's Mercy. Things went smoothly, and it was all good news, relatively speaking...

Here's the info, in a nutshell:

1. Doc is fairly confident that Sassy can still grow out of the VUR, even at the ripe old age of 4 1/2. He's calling it a 70% likelihood.

2. He feels the most important thing to do right now is give her time to do so.

3. He started her on a medication called Ditropan, which is a bladder relaxant. Sassy does not have classic overactive bladder symptomology, but does occasionally have a very sudden urge to go. Doc wants to ensure the most stable bladder conditions possible, hence the medication.

4. After 2-3 months of taking the Ditropan, we will have a phone consultation and likely wean Sassy off of the daily prophylactic antibiotic. The girl is already allergic to Penicillin, and there is no sense in keeping her on the antibiotic for longer than we have to if it's not necessary.

5. Next, we wait and see. If she stays free from infection without the antibiotic, she will remain on the Ditropan until summer 2012, when she will have repeat imaging studies and see where we stand. The hope is that the VUR will have resolved. If not, surgery is the likely option. If she does not tolerate being off of the antibiotic (i.e. if she has any UTI's or kidney infections), then we will have to go back to KC and re-evaluate.

6. Unfortunately, the food restrictions must continue. Oh, and we are not only supposed to avoid red food dyes, but... ALL FOOD DYES. This news is the bane of my existence. Although I am fully aware this is a HEALTHY choice anyway, it's certainly not an EASY one for a child. Sad face.

OK, so there you have it. We were pleased with the visit. Even though another med was introduced, I will feel a lot better once the antibiotic is out of the picture. It will allow me to rest easier. I'll definitely keep you all posted, and thank you SO, SO much for all the kind words, thoughts, and prayers for our girl. ♥

VUR, get ready to have your butt kicked!

3 sweet tweets:

rduxler said...

So glad to hear it went well. The food dye thing will probably come up the most for birthday parties etc. when there are cookies, cake, etc. Otherwise you can find lots of yummy treats that are sans the dyes (and other crummy stuff for that matter). They're a little more expensive BUT... hopefully my blog will help out in scouting out the coupons and deals for that kind of stuff. :) I started a process of ridding our home of anything that has artificial dyes, high fructose corn syrup and/or partially hydrogenated oils (i.e. almost ALL the stuff that is marketed for kids!!!) and we've make a pretty good transition without too much pain. Again, it comes down to finding stuff on sale and using coupons, etc...

rduxler said...

BTW... I had found this article a while back that I found interesting...

The picture alone says EVERYTHING. I know kids love it, but its all CRAP!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got "good" news! I've been thinking about you guys throughout the week, and I'm glad it went smoothly!