May 25, 2010

Test Day...

Here is some more info about Sassy and her recent VUR diagnosis:

Last Monday, we arrived at Wesley at 7:30 AM. Poor Sassy was not able to eat or drink anything past midnight Sunday evening, so she was a bit cranky. We got through the registration process, and were led back to ultrasound first. Sassy was very brave, and having her kitty Marie with her helped. After all, it is her new favorite guy.

She was very cooperative while they did the ultrasound of both kidneys and her bladder. She thought it was pretty neat seeing all of the images up on the screen:

After the ultrasound was over, we were taken to the pediatric floor of the hospital, and Sassy was given her won room. She was allowed to stay in her clothes, and within minutes, a child life specialist was in to visit her. I have been so thankful that Wesley employs CLS's, and we have had fabulous experiences with them each time we have been to the hospital or ER. The CLS brought Sassy a doll house to play with and a clipboard, crayons, and Dora coloring pages. She was in heaven:

Sassy's nurse took some time to explain what the VCUG procedure would be like, and a resident did a quick exam. The attending paid a visit as well, checking Sassy's vitals, explaining the sedation procedure, and going over any last minute questions we had. Sassy was starting to grow a bit antsy...

Then, Sassy got her dose of Versed. We were assured that this would make Sassy tired AND make her forgetful of the string of events that were about to transpire. I'd say we batted about .400.

When it was time to go to the scanning room, Sassy was loaded into a little red wagon, complete with a spot for her HR monitor. She was pretty pumped, although growing drowsier by the minute.

Once we got to the room, Tyler and I were allowed to stay with her at the head of the scan table. I found it very hard to resist the urge to whip out my camera in there... not because of anything to do with Sassy... but because the male nurse handed me a blue x-ray protective smock thing, and then proceeded to hand Tyler one of the leopard variety. Full out animal print. Awesome.

Without going into great detail, the actual test wasn't a walk in the park. Sassy had to get a catheter, which was no fun. Then, they basically filled her bladder with contrast until the point where they felt she couldn't hold it any longer. They removed the catheter, and asked her to expel the contents of her bladder onto the table. Yeah... right. Try getting a 4-year-old to pee all over the place. Not happening.

She was writhing around and crying and it was awful. Have you ever had to go to the bathroom so badly that it physically caused you pain? Lots of pain? I know I have, and that is just how Miss Sassy felt for what seemed like forever, but was probably 5 or so minutes. The woman doing the test commented on what fabulous bladder control Sassy had, and that she had never seen a little one hold it for so long. Finally, Sassy did what she was supposed to, felt immediate relief, and they were able to capture the shots they needed.

Of course, this is where it became apparent that there was indeed VUR present on the one side- her ureter and calyces into the kidney lit up like fireworks on the screen.

Sassy was cracking me up on the way back up to the room. It seems like the full effects of the Versed kicked in at about this time. She kept asking me if the wagon was going to take us all the way home. She was too cute. She got comfortable tucked into bed for some monitoring and cartoon watching.

After a few hours, all was well, and Sassy is none the worse for wear today. However... Versed acting as an amnesiac... I don't think so. She remembers everything, right down to the details. Oh, Sassy... what are we going to do with you?

4 sweet tweets:

Mrs. D said...

Wow Heather, I had no idea! I haven't been paying any attention to things lately with the kids and I being sick with strep for what seems like the whole month of May! I'm just now learning the news of Sassy and I'm so sorry. I hope she is doing better soon!! I will keep Sassy and family in my prayers.

Alyssa said...

That was heartbreaking! Poor little thing. She is so strong and such a trooper.

rduxler said...

Love that Sassy girl! So sorry about all of this recent health stuff with her again though... especially the new 'diet.' I'm going to be keeping an eye out for stuff for you from now on, because I'm sure it will be exhausting to keep track. Hope this clears up for her...

On another note, TERRIBLY disappointed about the lack of photos with Tyler and his animal print radiation apron. I'm still snickering too that it was a male technician that gave it to him. He-ey...

The Hoffman Family-Adam, Laura, Easton & Emerson said...

Oh Sassy! Who wants to pee on a table? Poor girl. Hope they can help get everything worked out for her. Maybe the new diet will just what she needs.