So, this morning was
Mulvane's Emergency Services Annual Open House. We took Sassy and Little A to see the firetrucks and were able to tour the inside of the station. As an added benefit- free hot dogs and hamburgers. With today's economy, who can turn down a free lunch??
We met up with
Lynzee and her girls at the open house. The girls had a great time meeting Sparky, the fire station dog. Sassy was a little tentative at first, but who can blame her? I
may be a bit concerned if my 2-year-old wasn't slightly
skittish around a giant, dressed animal acting somewhat idiotic and approaching her with fervor!

The inside of the fire station was pretty neat.
Mulvane Emergency Services celebrated their 100 year anniversary back in 2005, and they have a lot of old equipment and engines from way back when- pretty neat stuff to see.

Of course, Sassy thoroughly enjoyed the eating part. She chowed down on her
hot dog like a champ. We have to prevent her from sharing food with Little A- she is always concerned about her little sister, and she is just not
grasping the concept the Little A can't eat the same things she does. At least she willing to share with her baby sister, which is more than I expected, so I'll take it!!

Sassy and Daddy enjoyed exploring the inside of the firetruck. The guys were great and let the kids climb in, pretend to drive, etc.

All in all, we enjoyed some cheap (free) entertainment this beautiful Saturday morning!

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