February 2, 2011

Random Tidbits...

Two consecutive snow days calls for an additional post this afternoon!

1. Read: 2011 is going very well. Not only did I finish The Hunger Games, my January pick, I also plowed through Catching Fire, Book 2 and am inching my way through Mockingjay, Book 3. Cherish, you were so right! I really enjoyed the first two- to me, they are The Giver-esque, one of my all-time favorite books. A bit more action, a bit more straight forward, but some aspects are similar. I'm having a harder time "getting into" book 3, but I'll stick with it.

February's pick is Ape House by Sara Gruen. I will be following this reading schedule and discussion format, if anyone would like to join in!

2. While we are on snow day numero dos, I cannot even imagine what things are like for my friends and family in Chicago. Just click over and take a look. Wow- now that is a blizzard. I've been enjoying every one's take on things through facebook updates and pictures. Stay warm, stay safe, stay inside! Oh, wait... most of you do not have a choice on that matter!

3. I am no poly-sci expert, but I've been trying to keep up with the happenings in Egypt. Yikes! Poor Anderson Cooper! I hope they can get things sorted out soon without any further loss of life.

4. I am contemplating taking the girls to McDonald's after lunch to let off some steam. I've heard the roads aren't too treacherous, and I don't think we will survive another day cooped up inside.

5. I started Willette's Joy of LOVE class/challenge yesterday. It's a FREE one with rolling admission, so you should really check it out. You;ll get fun camera tips and neat little daily prompts to document the LOVES of your lives for the month of February. FUN! Go sign up!

6. My friend Renee is hosting and awesome Keeki Pure & Simple giveaway right here. The prize package is pretty awesome, and you should probably go enter to win right now. I'm thinking probably so.

7. Our Happy 150th Kansas giveaway is open until Saturday. If you haven't entered yet, go check that out right here.

8. I loathe potty training. More on that subject to come.

9. I wish I were here right now:


10. I'm so not. And, I'm a little sad about that. One of these days...

Happy Wednesday afternoon!

1 sweet tweets:

Anonymous said...

I just picked up Ape House from the library, starting it tonight...