Sweet Little A turned 8 months old this past Saturday. Wow...
I know I say this every month, but it is completely unbelievable how fast the time is going during her first year, as compared to Sassy's. And I thought that year went by fast.
Even when Little A is "sick and miserable", she is the happiest, most content little girl ever. Well, in my opinion, of course!
Let's see... she is now an accomplished sitter. She loves to sit up on the rug with her big pink toy tote near. She loves to watch Sassy run circles around her and give her different toys from the tote.
Little A is a babbling fool. She is very talkative, just like her big sister was. She loves to say "mamamamama" and "dadadada", and she recently learned to make this growling noise, which she does often. It sounds like it would hurt her little throat, but she seems to like doing it!
She really loves her orange veggies. Sweet potatoes are her favorite, and she really likes the Earth's Best tomato carrot combo. She enjoys oatmeal very much, as well. She seems to have a bad reaction to bananas so far, so we are taking a break from them for now. I did try to give her cheerios and puffs last week while she sat in her highchair.
She LOVED playing with them; the jury is still out on what she thinks of them as food.
Little A is a wonderful sleeper. She likes her morning nap an hour or so after first waking, and she takes another nap with Sassy after lunch. She usually goes to bed around 8:30 pm, and many times, she sleeps straight through the night, a completely new concept for this mama to grasp. Although, I am not complaining!!
We are really looking forward for summer to come, and for Little A to have many new experiences! Some of the things we want to do are visit the zoo, Botanica, the water center, Exploration Place, take a trip to KC and see the Royals play, and go to the pool. We will also be traveling to Chicago for the 4th of July, and I am determines to actually take the kids sight-seeing this time!
Thanks for another fantastic month, Little A. Your smile just lights up my day!
3 sweet tweets:
Happy birthday, sweet girl! I love that face with the cheerios. I hope she's feeling better and we'll be able to get the babies together to play soon!
Happy 8 months! Love auntie mi-mi
Happy 8mth birthday! Bubbie used to do a growling sound too and it does seem like it would hurt their little throats. Boo has started grunting while she poops, hi-larious! Don't you love their little voices saying Mama and Dada?
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